Nursing Intervention for Pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis is a kidney infection usually caused by bacteria that have traveled to the kidney from an infection in the bladder.

Women have more bladder infections (also called urinary tract infections) than men do because the distance to the bladder from skin, where bacteria normally live, is quite short and direct. However, the infection usually remains in the bladder.

A woman is more likely to develop pyelonephritis when she is pregnant. Pyelonephritis and other forms of urinary tract infection increase the risk of premature delivery.

Nursing Intervention for Pyelonephritis

Risk for Infection related to the presence of bacteria in the kidneys.

Nursing Intervention:

  1. Assess the patient's temperature every 4 hours and report if the temperature is above 38.50 C
    Vital signs indicate a change in the body
  2. Record the characteristics of urine
    To find out / identify indications of progress or deviations from expected results.
  3. Instruct the patient to drink 2-3 liters if no contraindications
    To prevent urine stasis
  4. Monitor re-examination of the urine culture and sensitivity to determine response to therapy.
    Knowing how far the effect of treatment on patient circumstances.
  5. Instruct the patient to empty the bladder completely each time the bladder.
    To prevent bladder distension
  6. Give perineal care, maintain to keep them clean and dry.
    To maintain cleanliness and avoid bacterial infection of the urethra making.

Pain related to infections of the kidney.

Nursing Intervention:
  1. Assess the intensity, location, and factors that aggravate or relieve pain.
    Extreme pain indicates an infection.
  2. Provide adequate rest periods and activity levels that can be tolerant.
    Clients can rest in peace and to relax the muscles.
  3. Encourage drinking plenty of 2-3 liters if no contraindications
    To assist clients in micturition.
  4. Give appropriate analgesic drugs with therapy programs.
    Analgesic block the path of pain.